Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Remember Me?

It has been so long since I have been able to blog. My work has been crazy for the last few weeks which has drained all of my energy and when I get home I can't even think of being clever. Someone even told me I was quiet, which as you all know, is not me AT ALL!

Anyway, I have a very lame blog entry for you. Pretty Girl and I have been on a quest (well, a semi-quest) to be able to capture a photo for Fail Blog, People of Wal-Mart or Photo Bomb. I actually have a picture for Photo Bomb but keep forgetting to upload it. Here it is...

That's my friend Dave in the background. Along with Pretty Doctor (formally Pretty Teacher), Gorgeous Teacher, Beautiful Teacher and me (not necessarily in that order).
Pretty Girl and I are a bit afraid to go to Wal-Mart in the wee hours to snap a pic suitable for that site. For one thing, I am old and my wee hours start around 9 or 10 at night! The other thing is I'm not sure I really want to see anyone in person that is suitable.

This picture is not quite Fail Blog but it's the closest thing to it that I have been able to capture...

Yeah, it's pretty lame. I tried to get my camera out in time for the 19 minutes remaining on the 15 minute computer but wasn't quick enough. Really, I was panic stricken at deciding if I should even take the picture.

So there you have it. Hopefully, I can be better at blogging as well as have better blog posts.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm totally in love again!!!

I saw this yesterday and was rendered speechless...

The color doesn't translate well in this photo, it's HOT PINK! The one I saw had a black roof, which I think looks better. When I first laid eyes on it I couldn't move, sort of like what happens to me during an earthquake (I know, not very safe!).

I really don't know what else to say about it but I have to go now and find something to wipe the drool away.