Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Ok, not really. I heard that word on the radio today and it reminded me of how much I love that word. I also love saying it. Like Aruba. I love saying it while rolling the "r". But I don't love either of those things as much as I love Tim Riggins! (Wink to Pretty Doctor)

I'm pretty bored these days and am at a loss of what to post. Last night I heard about the earthquake (or aftershock as the media is labeling it) in Southern California. I was getting ready for bed and I just started crying. Even though I don't live in California anymore I still react to earthquakes as if I did. I wonder if I'll ever get over it. So, that made me think to post about what gives us fear.

For me it's earthquakes. And spiders. Spiders are bad. I can deal with crickets and cock roaches if I have to but I can't deal with spiders at all!

Another fear I have, as a result of a dream, is driving in my car with locked doors. You see, I had a dream that I got in a bad car accident, involving my car to roll, and I couldn't get out because the electrical system wouldn't allow the doors to unlock. When I start my car with the doors closed the doors automatically lock. If I start my car with a door open the doors don't lock. So now, I only start my car with a door open. If I forget, I immediately unlock the doors.

I also have a fear of electrical devices being thrown into a pool, while I'm in it, and being electrocuted. Yep, that was a dream too.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Know You Won't Believe Me...

And I don't care, but there is a Brown Pelican in my neighborhood. Yep, that's right. I have witnesses. Ok, well some man saw it too, I have no idea who he is.

It doesn't look like this one, it's all brown. I know you're jealous!