When the Pretty's were little they wanted a dog so bad. I always told them that I could have pets or kids, but not both. I'm just not capable of taking care of both. Actually, I'm not sure I did a very good job of the kids! Anyway, when they got older I finally caved and got them Libby. They weren't amused. I knew that the dog would ultimately become my responsibility so I got a dog that I knew would behave and not be high maintenance.
I think, over time, the Pretty's came to love her as much as I did. Well, wouldn't you know, both of the Pretty's have moved on and neither has taken Libby with them. Can you believe it?!?! I knew that would happen. I think which ever of the Pretty's I visit next I'm going to take Libby along and then just leave her. She misses them and I know she wouldn't care which of them she would live with. I'll visit Libby. Maybe.