Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's the Little Things in Life

Pretty Girl and I needed our Pretty Doctor fix so we headed south. I had found out that there was a miniature museum down there. Actually, like a mile from Pretty Doctor's house. I insisted we go there. The wanted to also.

When I was a little kid a friend of mine had this extraordinarily cool doll house her parents made for her. I was in love with it. I couldn't wait to go to her house to play with it. I was obsessed with small things.

So back to today. We went to the museum and it didn't disappoint. AT ALL! OMG I loved it!

Typical night in Soho.

Toy Store.

Floating Market

My favorite

Oh Christmas, how I love thee!

There was even a Christmas Town under glass!

Then we found some miniatures of our own.

Larger than life day!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Home in record time!

Well, not really. As most of you know Obama was here today. He was visiting the new Intel plant in south Chandler. The reports were that they were going to close the freeway. They called it a rolling closure, segments at a time. But noooooooo, that's not what they did. They closed the entire 15 miles of freeway at one time. At RUSH MANY HOURS (rush hour is NOT 1 hour! Like Happy Hour is not 1 hour.)! So all those thousands of people had to use the surface streets. Yes, Obama was messing with my commute. I like the guy but he should have realized that I was trying to get home.

That's right, they were all in my way. Impeding my ability to just get the hell out of work and go home. Work has been stressful lately so I was so looking forward to working out. Ok, so it's not actually working out. It's more like walking. But I walk fast and for a long distance. I'm also lifting weights, which makes my arms soar. Yeah, I know, wah wah wah.

Anyway, I finally got near my house when I noticed all the vapor tails in the sky. Vapor trails you ask? Yeah, I know what they are. If you don't, look it up. I couldn't figure out why there were so many of them until I remembered that Obama had it out for me today. They were fighter jets keeping the friendly skies friendly.

I was able to snap this photo. Not such a great picture of all the vapor trails but I was busy at the time trying not to just get a shot of the sun and, you know, I was also driving. Yes, that is unsafe but I had to show you.

So, that's what happened today. Fascinating right?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rich Folk, not Queer as Folk

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're absolutely correct. I have been gone for a very, very long time. I don't know why. I just didn't think I would be entertaining to you. But I was sitting here (yeah, I do that a lot) thinking about the car I bought for Pretty Doctor and Pretty Girl when they were in high school. Not sure why that car came to mind. It was a sweet ride. Don't ask the Pretty's about it. They didn't like it much but it did get them to where they needed to be.

It was a Daewoo. You heard me right, a Daewoo. I used to refer to it as "The ever popular Daewoo." I'm pretty sure most people were jealous of it.

What I was actually thinking as I sit here was when I bought the car. My Grandmother had died and left me some money. I didn't know what to do with the money so after stressing about it I decided to put it in the bank and think about it another day. Then I realized I needed to buy the Pretty's a car to get to and from band practice and to the band room on game days.

After enlisting my BFF's son to find a good, reliable car for little to no money I ended up at a dealership in Scottsdale that had several of the ever popular Daewoos to unload after Daewoo stopped selling in the US or went out of business, I'm not sure which it was. Anyway, I ended up at the Scottsdale dealership with my BFF's husband and the Pretty's. I'm not sure it their son was there or not. It was a stressful evening and I don't do well with memory under stress.

After it was decided that I was buying one I sent the Pretty's out to pick the color. Not a whole lot of choices, they had green and blue. They had a few green and a few blue so I told them to pick out which green or which blue one they wanted.

Now, you have to understand that the whole entire time I was at the dealership I was crying. I always cry when I have to make a financial decision that will cost me more that $100. The salesman was afraid, understandably. My BFF's husband pretended every thing was normal, which added to the salesman's fear. I sent the Pretty's to pick the color because they were really afraid since I couldn't stop crying.

The deal was I was going to pay cash and we would drive the car away. The deal was $8 ,000. When I got to the point of signing the papers the paperwork had the figure of $8,000.02. Ok, if any one knows me, that figure meant they lied on the price. That's right! After all I had gone through ( me crying for 2 hours and my BFF's husband wheeling and dealing for 2 hours) i was not going to let them rip me off like that. You know how car dealerships are, they're always trying to rip you off! Well, they didn't know who they were dealing with (some bawling freak and her 2 poor kids)!

I was half temped to write the check for $8,000 and throw the pennies in the guys face. I was pissed! But then I started to think about it and realized that it was only 2 pennies and the Husband had worked really hard, the Pretty's were already freaked out and the dealership was staying open late to close this deal. I decided to be the bigger person and write the check to include the pennies.

Needless to say, the Prettys and I drove the blue car home, the Husband (and possibly son) went home hoping I would never darken their door again and the dealership had one less Daewoo to unload. Ah, good times.