Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ok, I just have to say it. What the hell is Fry's thinking? Did you see the ad that saves you money if you buy 9 of the item? NINE???? Who the hell needs nine of anything - except maybe lives? Do you need nine mayonaises? Ew! Even if you have a Super Bowl Party do you really need nine bags of Fritos or nine DiGiorno pizzas? Come on Fry's, get a grip.

Tomorrow the Fresh and Easy opens in my neighborhood. I'm scared to death that they will run out of free tote bags before I can get there. Why? I don't know. I guess cuz it's free and, as you know, nothing is free for me this year.

I have to mention the cool video on YouTube so Brien doesn't get mad at me. It's pretty funny if you are familiar with Google Maps. If you aren't - well, I don't know what to tell ya!


Shana said...

(whispering) "It's's God..."

That video ROCKS - I heart Google Maps!! :) yay!

Beth said...

You know, the way every body in my house eats, perhaps I should go take advantage of the sale at Fry's. Thanks for the heads up! ;)

brien said...

So do you REALLY need to buy NINE of them? At Safeway I actually saw things that were like "2 for $5" and then they had to explain "$2.99 when you buy one" because Fry's has messed up that whole paradigm of economies of scale and bargains. I think some loser store like Albertson's should parody the idea and label everything in ridiculous quantities. 150 pineapples for $750!

Anonymous said...

I take it, you all don't have a Food City close by...