Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hell Yeah!

I watched the premier of the new season of Hell's Kitchen last night. I saw an episode last season but thought Gordon Ramsey was so emotionally abusive that I refused to watch any more. Last night I didn't want to watch Dancing with the Stars, cuz I hate the contestants, so Pretty Girl and I decided to watch Hell's Kitchen. The first show introduces the chefs that will be competing. Oh my god!! They are so arrogant! Now I see why Gordon Ramsey is so mean to them. I now love the show. They deserve it!. It's just like his other show where he goes into a failing restaurant and revamps the menu and dining area (and sometimes the kitchen) to make the restaurant thrive again. Those owners/chefs never think it is anything they do that makes the restaurant go into decline. Yeah right. Like, what else would it be?

I just hope that when TV finally comes back later this month that nothing interfers with it. I hate having to catch up on the network website. It's so time consuming. I know, what else do I have to do?


Shana said...

Friday Night Lights is coming back for Season 3!!! Yipeee!! :) That is exciting because it for sure won't interfere with you Hells Kitchen schedule! :)

Anonymous said...

I have found religion in my life and I refuse to watch a show with the work 'H. E. double toothpicks' in it...

Anonymous said...

I meant WORD in previous comment.

Anonymous said...

I was married once, and the kitchen in that house was HELL, but then again everything about the marriage was HELL!!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who found religion - I thought you just drove people to religion, not actually taking part yourself!

Anonymous said...

There actually is religion in me driving others to religion.. almost 'DISCIPLEish'
Call me Peter!

Anonymous said...

I think that people who have Blogs should be required to write a blog at least ONCE every week...
so this persons blog should be removed!

I can hear the EXCUSES now 'I'm busy, I have so much work, got no time, my computer broke' like she doesn't do these at work anyways.
Just a thought!