Ok, so here is cross #2. You be the judge if it's the same size or bigger (or smaller for that matter). Pretty Teacher and I were so astounded that there were 2 of these things that we couldn't decide if it was bigger or smaller. Creepy, very creepy!

Ok, so I will be completely honest, the rest of the road trip was pretty much a blur. I don't remember what picture goes with what state anymore. One day we drove through 3 states. I think that was the day we left Kansas. So I'll just show a few pictures. This is the Missouri River. I know we crossed it 3 times. I don't know how or why.
Indiana (duh!)

The FEMA car...

The Mighty Mississippi, water is kinda high right?


More freakin highway!!!!!....

Ok, I'm totally bored with all of these pictures so my last post will be of Connecticut and then we'll be done. Pretty Teacher has some of the pictures that I need so I'll try to get them from her but she's kinda busy. Maybe that will have to wait. Thanks for reading.
I'll have time tomorrow! Now I need to sleep though - love you! :)
I'm pretty sure there is only one huge cross like that. You must have gotten turned around or something. Or maybe you and your camera were hallucinating from the monotonous journey?
Or maybe it's a sign... you know of accepting God into your life, Embracing his love.
Or it could just be two big-ass crosses you seen on your way to where ever you were going.
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