Monday, July 28, 2008

Why So Serious?

The Dark Knight. Wow, what a fantastic movie! Scary, creepy, ugly. And that's just Maggie Gyllenhaal! I found myself just short of a panic attack but loving every minute. Whitney went with me, even though she saw it at the midnight showing opening day, and she is right. The movie is two and a half hours but it sure doesn't seem like it. The special effects used on Two Face were amazing as well. I could not take my eyes off of him yet, I was grossed out at the same time!

I'll see any movie with Christian Bale in it. He can darken my night anytime. Let's give the film a hand.


Anonymous said...

I am sure, once he 'darkens it' he will then proceed to VERBALLY abuse you'


Anonymous said...

If you are a C. Bale fan you need to watch The machinest. Freaky a*% movie. But he is pretty good on that although he looks like crap since he lost a bunch of weight to make film.

Anonymous said...

And as for Maggie, you haven't seen her in 'Criminal'... wow!

Anonymous said...

I did see The Machinest. Bitchin'. As for Maggie, I would never go to a movie just to see her.