Friday, September 19, 2008

Vote Responsibly

It's taken me a long time to post, mostly because I want to rant about the election. I keep going back and forth about should I put my political views out there or leave them to myself. I decided to rant (what a surprise) because most of the people that I know read this feel the same way I do. Let's start with Republican Vice Presidential candidate. I'll probably end with her because I can't bring myself to talk about a man that describes himself as a maverick. Right!

So, this hockey Mom from Alaska. It doesn't matter where she's from. What matters most to me is that people claim they will vote for her for the most ridiculous reasons. I listen to NPR most days and they go around interviewing people on the issues. They interview women on who they would vote for. One woman said she would vote for Palin because she is sick of people picking on her. Yeah, that's a great reason! Another woman said she would vote for Palin because she isn't sure Obama is ready for the White House. Right, like Palin is and besides, that is also a stupid reason to vote for her.

How stupid are these people? What ever happened to doing the research and voting for the candidate who supports the issues you do. Good god! Wake up people!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Embarrassing!

I watched the premier episode of 90210. No, I'm not ashamed. Why wouldn't I check it out, like I did Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill, which were, by the way, fabulous! But back to 90210. How embarrassing for the actors, producers, director, and creators. Here's what's wrong:

1. The high school kids don't look high school age or even close.

2. There was a commercial about every 5 minutes (sometimes every 3 minutes).

3. Some of the commercials were promoting that 90210 starts in the fall (huh?).

4. The acting is horrible.

5. Jessica Walters wasn't believable as a drunk (how hard is it to slur words?).

6. Brenda Walsh is fat (yeah, I know, it's petty, so sue me!).

7. The acting is horrible.

8. I don't care how rich you are, you don't take a date to San Fran for dinner on Daddy's jet on a school night.

9. Linda Gray has the same botox scary look that she did on Dallas.

10. Did I mention the acting is horrible?

Will I watch in again? What do you think?