Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Embarrassing!

I watched the premier episode of 90210. No, I'm not ashamed. Why wouldn't I check it out, like I did Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill, which were, by the way, fabulous! But back to 90210. How embarrassing for the actors, producers, director, and creators. Here's what's wrong:

1. The high school kids don't look high school age or even close.

2. There was a commercial about every 5 minutes (sometimes every 3 minutes).

3. Some of the commercials were promoting that 90210 starts in the fall (huh?).

4. The acting is horrible.

5. Jessica Walters wasn't believable as a drunk (how hard is it to slur words?).

6. Brenda Walsh is fat (yeah, I know, it's petty, so sue me!).

7. The acting is horrible.

8. I don't care how rich you are, you don't take a date to San Fran for dinner on Daddy's jet on a school night.

9. Linda Gray has the same botox scary look that she did on Dallas.

10. Did I mention the acting is horrible?

Will I watch in again? What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you can handle (aka love) COPS, my vote is that you will watch it again :) Love you! - teach