Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Shmine

Oh my god! When will the media stop about this flu? I can't believe they are closing schools AFTER the students have recovered. Maybe it's just me but that makes no sense.

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, here are some photos from Easter and Pretty Teacher's visit...

G-man eating, he does this very well

G-man and his girlfriend Pretty Girl (he LOVES her)

Pretty Girl getting a gift of liquor, cuz she's 21 now

Talking to Pretty Teacher on Skype on Easter

G-man and his bitchin swim shorts (swim longs?)

Pretty Teacher's birthday cake (she won't be here for her real b-day)

1 comment:

Shana said...

I have decided that you should always include a picture of G-man in your posts - just a (good) idea. :)