Monday, July 27, 2009

Apparently I have no life!

So, yesterday Pretty Teacher and I bought the live webcast of the DCI Atlanta show. That's eight hours of our lives that we will never get back. We decided to cut the boredom and give our input of each corps because who wouldn't want our opinion? Now we will make you relive it. If you don't care about drum corps, stop reading now and get on with your life.

Alliance – Exhibition. Pretty Teacher (PT) said meh, I thought they were boring, I left to do laundry.
Atlanta Corps Vets – Another exhibition. They were really old and had bad music. PT kinda like em for still getting out there but I felt they were wasting my time.
Cascades – Decent drill, pretty good music, fun to watch, some timing issues, got a little boring
Jersey Surf – I like that they got loud, PT thought they got blatty, meh music, lots of drill but not always clean.
Pioneer – PT thought they were boring but had a pretty ballad.
Pacific Crest – Pretty good start, cool drill, made a star, clean too, we like them.
Mandarins – PT thought it was well done but boring , I got bored and looked up rankings.
Madison Scouts – We don't like the all male thing but they are good, fast,clean, cool drill, good music and sound, good guard.
– First impression – dumb, well executed but bad music, guard on and off, Scouts are better.
Crossmen – Good, cool drill, like the music, Scouts are better.
Colts – Decent
The Academy – I said flags were dirty in first half, PT said guard looks good in white, great ending, like the changes, stronger sound, first corps that made me say awesome.
Troopers – Too cutsey and boring
Glassmen – Did well bu,t eh
Blue Knights – Did well but eh too.
Blue Stars – Stupid boxes (props), did well but, eh.
Phantom Regiment – Too cheesy but they play music well.
Boston Crusaders – The show felt long but we liked music.
Bluecoats – Good drill.
Carolina Crown – PT thought some of the drill and music was good, but some too cheesy. I loved them! Good ballad.
Santa Clara Vanguard – PT didn't like music, she thought the Blast music is over used.
Holy Name Cadets – Freaking awesome drill, guard is great.
The Cavaliers – Very good but all male and you know how we feel about that!
Blue Devils – I thought on a ascale from one to ten they are visually a 30, PT though they were great, Cadets had best drill but Blue Devils had best show.

So there you have it, time you'll never get back!

1 comment:

Shana said...

Glassmen to Blue Stars was hitting around hour 5 - that was a hard wall to get past....