Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Was today Monday!?!?

Oh my god, what a day! It started out a normal day, doing my work, going thru the mail, drinking my tea. Then, cuz I drink a lot of water and tea I needed to use the restroom. When I went in I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye flying around, like a moth or something. As I looked around, I saw nothing. Ok. So then as I am zipping my pants (sorry so graphic) I see by my foot, my sandaled foot, a BLACK WIDOW!!!!

I moved my foot, my sandaled foot, away from it and it moved with me, like the web was attached to my pant leg or shoe!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am freaking out! I immediately stomp the crap out of it. Seriously, the first stomp killed it but I continued to stomp the sucker. Then I felt something in my hair. OH MY GOD!!!!! I run out of the restroom (by the way, this is 6 a.m. and I am the only one in the building except the custodian). I run to her and in a frantic voice ask her if there is a spider in my hair. She is a little confused and says "No." Then I begin to explain to her what just happened to me so she decided to take another look at my hair. Still nothing, which is good, except that I felt like bugs are crawling all over me. I then explained the mess I left in the restroom and that I was sorry but I couldn't go back in there. She understood and took care of it for me.

So then, I'm waiting for Pretty Girl to call me when she came home from the University Clinic so we could figure out who had the least expensive price for her inhalers. It's the most expensive prescription ever. We figured Costco was the cheapest since they told me it would cost $110.00 as compared to Fry's where they charge $250.00 and the clinic charges $170.00. This is about the time I realize that I forgot my phone at home so I go onto the T-Mobile website to send her a text from my computer to tell her to call me. Isn't it great that you can do that? NO! Cuz she never got the text. So I called her at home and we decided that I needed to come home to fill the prescriptions at Costco. So I go to Costco and they inform me that the prescription isn't $110.00 it's $170.00 and they don't know why I was quoted a different price (of course!). Anyway, I then remembered that I had a $10.00 off coupon but left it at home, along with my phone! I can't even call her to find out which form she usually gets of the other prescription. Luckily, they had a coupon that gave us $35.00 off. Yay!

So I finished up a Costco and came home to explain the whole ordeal to Pretty Girl. She said I guessed right about the other prescription and we were both grateful for the better coupon. I then changed to go on my daily walk. Halfway thru my walk I had to turn around and come home cuz I had to use the restroom. Dammit! So I went back home. Then I decided that this day, this day that feels like a Monday, isn't going to get the better of me so I went back out and completed my walk. Now I can hardly...walk that is!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I've Given Up Hope

I know this is totally random but why will the Hope Diamond be reset? I know the setting it is in now is somewhat old fashioned but what difference does that make?

There was a contest and people could vote on the new setting. I've seen the new setting and I think it looks just as old fashioned as the one it's in now. Plus, the new setting is just plain ugly.

The 45.52-carat blue diamond puzzles scientists because of the fiery red glow it gives off for several minutes after being exposed to ultra-violet light. Scientists refer to this phenomenon as phosphorescence.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fast Forward to Flashforward!

OMG! Did you watch Flashforward?

This show is nuts. The whole planet passes out for more that 2 minutes...except one person! This show scares the crap out of me. Kinda like Jurassic Park did. You know, cuz it could really happen, right? Johnjay from Johnjay and Rich thinks that this show and Lost are some how going to be linked because of several clues revealed. I did notice a couple cast members from Lost are on Flashforward. This freaks me out even more. I don't know what else to say people, but you need to watch it. It's for your own good.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Under Where?

I thought it was over. I thought we were safe. How could I have been so wrong? I was driving home from work the other day to find this...

I thought we were past this, I thought it was a faze. I was terribly wrong, unfortunately! I wanted to roll down the window and shout "Hey buddy, chicks don't dig that! You are a moron!" but I didn't.

I don't understand the logic. Is there logic to this fashion statement? Well, it might be a statement but it can't be deemed fashion. First of all, how do the guys walk with their pants that low? It can't be comfortable, knowing that in the blink of an eye bad things could happen. I don't get it but I know one thing is for sure, I don't want to see any more of this...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kinda Dissapointed

So, I've been looking forward to the premier of the new Melrose Place. I loved the old one, so scandalous! It was on last night and I gotta tell ya, meh! If they took out the endless commercial breaks I bet the show's run time was only about 30 minutes. Lame!

Oh, the things we saw!

Ok, I know I've been slacking in the posting but here goes...

So the other day I saw something that I had to have Pretty Girl confirm. Out my kitchen window I saw Creepy Boy's Dad up on a ladder trimming his palm tree with a chain saw on a stick. I was wondering if I should stand at the window with the phone dialed to 9-1, waiting to enter the last 1. Pretty Girl responded that she's sure 911 is on speed dial for them... after the drug OD and the hip incident.

Hopefully, you all know the story of the drug OD and the hip incident but if you don't, to make a long story short, the drug OD was a drug buy gone bad that included the police and the hip incident was when the Dad fell by the side of the pool and broke his hip but doesn't have insurance so he couldn't stay in the hospital long enough nor could he afford therapy so he walks around with a really bad limp.

And then there was the incident where Creepy Boy was tazed in our front yard cuz he was so high he charged at the authorities. An ambulance carted him swiftly away. He now lives in some home for drug addicts that never recover and only visits on holidays. Did I mention he is bi-polar and has depression?

And, every night, while Creepy Boy still lived there, the Dad would start up his piece-o-crap Honda with no muffler, back it out of the driveway scraping the bumper and would return in a few minutes, scraping the bumper, with a suit case of whatever beer was on sale at Fry's.

So anyway, Pretty Girl and I were returning home the other day to find this...

As you can see, the Dad had to get two ladders. The top one he is teetering on. We said "Good God" at the same time (and then pinky swore!). I didn't know whether to go in the house and hide and hope I never heard "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH splat" or turn around and leave the neighborhood indefinitely!

And, so while Pretty Girl and I were out doing our errands, we went to Payless Shoes (it was bogo, we never miss it!). As we pulled up we saw this...

Again, I had to have Pretty Girl verify what I was seeing. All I could think was "How the hell did the truck get there and why is it parked in my space!?"