First up, Whip It. This movie is with Ellen Page, from Juno. It's about roller derby. I remember as a kid watching the Bay City Bombers and wishing I could skate. I grew up in the foothills to the Santa Cruz mountains and we didn't have sidewalks, hence we didn't roller skate. I found it very difficult when I went to Junior High in the "flats" and I would be invited to skate parties. When there wasn't a bar along the edges of the rink I discovered I couldn't embed my fingernails into the block walls of the rink. There was nothing to hold onto and I spent most of the night crawling to the edges to grab something to hold onto to pull my self up. So as you may have guessed, I loved this movie!

Next, Inglourious Basterds. I've never been a huge fan of Quentin but I liked this movie. Probably because the bad guys got what was coming to them. And, in case you're wondering, I don't mind gore that much.
Moving along...I did see a movie that isn't out yet. I feel I can't review it for you as I don't want to get my Hollywood connections in trouble for including me in the screening. Maybe next week.

Then I saw Up In The Air. This was a good George Clooney movie. I feel like he and Sandra Bullock are similiar in that they make some really good movies and some really bad movies. This one was good, but don't be decieved, the ending isn't very uplifting. I found I was arguing with myself about the ending, but all in all, a good movie.

Next, The Hurt Locker. This movie was released last January and I had never heard of it. It is another movie that doesn't have a happy ending but was a very realistic account of what war can do to people. I was extremely surprised to find this movie was written and directed by a woman. Not that I don't think a woman is capable of good work but I guess I still am under the misconception that women don't see much combat. Well, not really combat but what really goes on over there. I don't want to spoil it but don't see this film if you don't have nerves of steel.

The next movie I saw was Away We Go. This came out a while ago but I missed it. It's about a pregnant couple who travel around the continent trying to figure out where to raise their child. It stars Maya Rudolph from SNL and John Kransinsky from The Office. I liked it. It was a little quirky but it worked for me.

I finally got the correct movie time to see A Single Man and Pretty Girl went with me to see it. We both love Colin Firth. This movie is set in the early sixties. I love to see what set designers and costume designers do with the early sixties and they did not disappoint. This movie also is in the category of not a happy ending but I did enjoy the film, a lot!

And last, but not least, I saw It's Complicated. I liked this movie a lot. I love Alec Baldwin even though you see him shirtless, and he's not in the greatest shape. I don't judge. Meryl Streep's character and Alex's character are trying to figure out if they should get back together. John Kransinki is in this movie too. I found his character a bit slapstick-ish but it's a very funny movie and I think most people will enjoy it.
So the only movie I didn't see, that I wanted to, was Up. There's still time. We have a three day weekend coming!
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