Thursday, March 18, 2010

We're Not in Kansas Anymore!

Nor are we anywhere in the south! Pretty Girl and I were on our way to a Winter Guard show to watch her spinners when we came upon this...

At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. This wasn't even in a rural part of our state. This was right here in town, on the freeway! And I thought the blue mini van was really taking chances following so closely. Then, as we got closer, we saw this...

Oh, I see, it's all one unit. YIKES! Wow, you really have to know how to pack to travel like this. I think if Pretty Doctor decides to haul all of her stuff home this summer (as opposed to selling her possessions) we will look just like this driving across the country. I think if that is the case I'll wear a wig and mask.


brien said...

Hey the van in the back has a towing package. Why didn't they just add a trailer to the end?

Anonymous said...

wife to husband, "well we got everything from the back yard, but did you remember the kids?"

--signed: the recipient of a stare when the writer stated "someone hasn't ever commented".

Anonymous said...

Stay classy Phoenix.

~Pretty Girl

Shana said...

I was looking into making PODS move my stuff, but they make you give your phone number before they give you a quote - is that allowed?!