Monday, June 7, 2010

I Know You Won't Believe Me...

And I don't care, but there is a Brown Pelican in my neighborhood. Yep, that's right. I have witnesses. Ok, well some man saw it too, I have no idea who he is.

It doesn't look like this one, it's all brown. I know you're jealous!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it followed a bread crumb trail dropped from the Old Port (Rocky Point) back to the big city.


brien said...

you might not be crazy


Anonymous said...

So, now you're on the fence? Yesterday you thought I was completely crazy!

Anonymous said...

To KS - no bread crumb tail, we only drank, we didn't eat.

Anonymous said...

OK-Lime tortilla chips. I am still nibbling at some of those.

or the sand-which I found even more in a different trunk groove.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't a crane?
Although, I have heard of them getting off course during storms.