Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Yeah, that's right people, I went clubbin'! My friend Trish was turning 21, oh wait, that's not the right number. Well, it was somewhere around there. Her friend Chris arranged for us to have a table at the new casino and a free room. Free's good!

Trish and I left early on a Saturday morning to take advantage of the pool. The rest of the entourage was to show up later. We made some friends at the pool, cuz we're friendly. Some random guy at the pool. Don't worry, his wife was there too.

We had "beverages" at the pool. Mr Interesting, I think you know what's in here!

Then the rest of the crew showed up and we went up to the room to get ready for the evening.

A good time was had by all.

Or so I was told the next morning.

I'm sure that's right. Cheers!