Like Jan. Actually, I love her. She can cry on cue, she wears pink hair, (big, big hair) and she put Tammy Faye to shame with the make up!

I was surfing the other night and noticed that most of the women, and some men, on the religious channels have had major plastic surgery. Being a televangelist must really pay off. The audience is so enthralled that they must not know that all the televangalists want is their money to fund the next plastic surgery, hair plug event or jewelry buy.
I feel like it was not an accident you clicking on the religous channel. I think you might be searching for the way to get into religion. Your fear of what the afterlife might hold with you being agnostic, not knowing but maybe...
All you have to do is look back at your previous postings with your cross fascination to see that you are looking. Well keep clicking (searching), he is by you at all times. +
I just read Asimov's Reason
Pretty damn funny and sums up well my experiences with religion
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