Tuesday, August 5, 2008

That's a Spicey Meatball

Get it? Mama Mia....????? Whatever.

Anyway, I went to see Mama Mia with the Pretty Girl. I wasn't sure what to expect, with it being a musical cast with, what I thought, were non-singers. For those of you who have not seen the movie, and want to, stop reading now. I wasn't so surprised that Meryl Streep could sing because, let's face it, she can do anything. I was surprised to see that Pierce Brosnan could sing. Oh wait, he can't. At least I didn't think he could. Every time he sang I felt physical pain. Now I don't want to say that he ruined the movie but I swear every time he sang he had that look in his eyes that said "I'm sorry that you have to listen to this."

All in all, the movie was good and I do recommend it if you like musicals. Musicals always make me wonder if I made the right career choice. They make me want to break out in song and dance in the streets while passers by join along, like it's the most natural thing in the world. Then I wake up and realize that I can't sing, AT ALL! And my dancing ain't that great either.


Beth said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes! And I really want to see this movie. Probably when it comes out on video. I don't make it to the theater as often as I used to. I blame my kid.

I'm expecting an email from you any day now about how I haven't been posting. I promise there will be a new blog post soon!

Anonymous said...

not sure if I could sit through 1 abba song much less a whole movie of songs...
Hey how do I know there are abba songs in movie... Oops, OK fine I seen it but enjoyed it not that much
