Wednesday, January 20, 2010

That's PM to you, sir!

At work I help new people find where they need to be. Today I had five of these in a row:

7:00 a.m.
Person #1-5: Can you help me?
Me: I hope so.
Person #1-5: I went to that classroom right there, and my class isn't there.
Me: Ok, let's look at your schedule. Oh, that class is at 7:10 p.m.
Person #1-5: Yeah.
Me: P.M. (Looking into his eyes for some sign of life)
Person #1-5: Yeah (Looking at me like I'm some kind of moron)
Me: Peeeeee Eeeemmmmaaahhhh!!!!
Person #1-5: Oooooohhhhhh. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Obviously the solution is to use 24 hr time. 1910. Simple, no confusion possible. Why don't they do that?

Shana said...

love it

Sometimes I have to tell my kids to "look alive" - maybe that would work for you too! :)