Friday, May 7, 2010

In case your day has been dull...

Sooo, yesterday I got all of Pretty Doctor's car tag renewal paperwork returned with a piece of paper stating it needs an inspection that either has compliance or waiver on the document. The Connecticut inspection has the word Pass.

Sooo, Today I call CT to ask if they have any kind of paper work with compliance or waiver on it. It takes me a while to fully explain why the "Pass" isn't good enough. No, they don't. Helpful!

Sooo, I call AZ MVD and tell them the story of how the car is in CT but we want to renew if for AZ and we have the inspection from CT but AZ won't accept it. She tells me I need to speak to AZ inspection. I say I don't think so cuz I already have the inspection it just doesn't have the right word on it. She explains to me that I need to "take" the CT inspection to the AZ inspection and they will convert it. I think to myself "Convert it? How? Like magic?"

Sooo, I call AZ inspection and they said, "Yeah" bring it in. Where are they? 40th St. and Red Mtn 202. Ok, I hop in the car and drive there. I find it, it's right next to the Shriner's Auditorium in case you're interested. Surprisingly, that went really well. I got the "magically converted" AZ inspection paper.

Sooo, then I headed to the DVM to turn the paperwork in. I wanted to go directly there because Pretty Doctor's tag expires on the 15th and she is all ready skating on thin ice driving a car for two years that is registered in AZ. I didn't want any Joe Arpaio type pulling her over for expired tags and fining her, harassing her and then asking for her papers. Oh wait, that's only in Arizona. But she could be fined continually until she registered her car in CT and she only has 2 months left there.

Sooo, anyway I eventually got the tag and ran it to the post office. Hopefully she will get it before next weekend. The way the mail moves across this county will take a magic trick to get it there on time.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Even more evidence as to why you are the best mom ever. The ultimate mom.