Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trip the Light Fantastic!

Something weird happened today. Pretty Girl and I were just sitting here, minding our own business. Me, catching up on the latest episode of Lost (yeah, I know, but I've watched it from the beginning and now it's on at the same time as Glee, I can't miss Glee!!) and Pretty Girl was playing some cool game on her iPod Touch.

All of a sudden I here "POP". Really loud. So I say out loud "I wonder what that was!" I keep trying to replay the sound in my head to see if I can relate it to something. Do you ever do that? Like when you are dreaming and you hear a noise that wakes you up. You try to replay it in your head to see if it's something you should be concerned about or if it was just a dream noise. I usually pretend that I'm dead in case it's a robber. That way he won't bother me and go about his business of robbing me and then he'll leave. That may sound stupid to you but I'm not going to be the one to get up and investigate what is going on. I don't have a boy that lives here to do that. You know, boys jump out of bed and declare how they will save you from whatever evil doing is going on.

Anyway, I can only think that the noise might have been a bird that crashed into a window. Then I here it again, POP! I say "What the hell is that!?!?" I jump out of my chair and run to the sliding glass door that goes out onto the patio and look. At what, I don't know yet. I see the neighbors with the dog that barks from the time they leave to the time they come home. (I hate that dog and want to give him some sedative in a piece of cheese but I don't have any sedatives or any cheese.) They are in their back yard doing whatever it is they do back there.

Then I not only hear it again but this time I see it! It's a spark or something. Then I think that someone has thrown some sort of fire cracker into my back yard! HOW DARE THEY! Then it happens again. Then I yell my standard "OH SHIT!" and I run outside to turn off the sprinklers. What is happening is there is electrical by my back gate in case someone wants it to open and close on its own. For some reason it is sparking, arching and smoking. I can't figure out why the wires are live. I then go out to the breaker box and sure enough, the switch is in the on position. Why I don't know. I could have sworn the breaker should have been off. The breaker box has a lock so maybe it was a ghost?

Anyway, I shut off the breaker. I don't even know if that turned the power off to the wires. I'm so confused! The Home Owner suggested I turn all the switches off, then go out and put wing nuts on the wires. Sounds like a lot of work to me, all the clocks that need to be reset and all. I asked if I could just throw some metal tool at the wire to see if they sparked. Either method should work, right?


brien said...

Electricity is not nearly as dangerous as it seems to be, and at the same time it is way more dangerous than we expect it to be. That doesn't make sense, but neither does electricity!!

Shana said...

you have so many adventures. And Brien is hilarious.