Before I get started on my latest episode of road rage, let me say two things first. Firstly, I want to say that this is my tree. Isn't it pretty? It's fake (duh!).

Ok, now on to the road rage. I guess it's not truely road rage but I did want to hurt someone. Why is it that when you are trying to get somewhere everyone on the road knows this and tries to mess with you? No, I'm not egocentric, just paranoid. Pretty Girl and I were driving south on Rural heading home from Magdalena's graduation. Why is it that the public, for the first time, decided that Rural wasn't a racetrack and at that moment decided to go 35 mph? Oh my god people, the posted speed limit is 45 and we all know that that is just a suggestion. Every other time the public is driving 55 or faster. Hey, Pretty Girl had practice, we had to get home. I told her that this is why I live close to work. If I had to commute downtown everyday I would be hanging out of my car and shaking my fist at the drivers explaining to them that they don't know how to drive. I'm telling ya, if everyone drove like me there wouldn't be any traffic jams. Really, I'm a good driver. No, really I am!
Oh Mom, you are so right about the traffic thing. CLUELESS!!
Yeah, well try driving in Tucson where its like that ALL the time!! They sometimes go 15mph below!! 15!!
PS - Just look at the Christmas tree - its so pretty it makes everything seem better :) YAY!!!
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